Install ======= Prerequisites ------------- * PHP * php version 5.4 or higher * sessions enabled * memory limit at 1GB or more * minimum execution time of 60+ seconds * make sure you update the ``php.ini`` for both web and cli * php ``register_globals`` off * php5-curl library installed * php_openssl library installed (if connecting to SSL usenet provider or using spotnab) * GD Imaging Library w/PHP integration * PEAR * MySQL * ``max_allowed_packet = 12582912`` * ``group_concat_max_len = 8192`` * timezone set to php's * Apache * script timeout of at least 60 seconds * mod_rewrite enabled * AllowOverride All set in conf to allow ``.htaccess`` to specify rewrite rules * 3rd Party API Keys (recommended to get your own api keys) * TMDb (signup @ * Amazon (signup @ * Deep RAR Password Inspection * unrar version 3.9 or higher * Thumbnailing and Media Info (if deep rar inspection is enabled) * ffmpeg * mediainfo Installation ------------ 1) Unzip/svn checkout the code into a folder in your web directory. do NOT move directories around. 2) Create your website/vhost in apache and point to the /www/ directory. 3) Browse to http://yournewznabserver/install. 4) Once installed activate only one or two groups to test with first, this will save you time if it is not working correctly. 5) Run the update_binaries.php and update_releases.php scripts in \misc\update_scripts\ via command-line. 6) If updating was successful then you can continue to setup your site and configure the update scripts for auto-updating. windows users use the script ``/misc/update_scripts/win_scripts/runme.bat`` linux users use the ``/misc/update_scripts/nix_scripts/`` Updating -------- 1) Run ``svn update`` or in windows (using tortoisesvn) right mouse button the folder and click ``SVN Update`` 2) Run any new patches since your last update by executing the script ``/misc/update_scripts/update_database_version.php`` 3) Delete contents of cached smarty files in ``/www/lib/smarty/templates_c/*`` Running Outside of Web Root --------------------------- Set /.htaccess RewriteBase to your virtual directory .. _install-apache_vhost: Sample Apache VirtualHost File ------------------------------ Add this to your existing VHOST file modifying your values for ServerName, Server Alias, and DocumentRoot. You should find this under /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/ (000-default):: Options FollowSymLinks AllowOverride All Order allow,deny allow from all ServerAdmin ServerName ServerAlias DocumentRoot /var/www/newznab/htdocs/www LogLevel warn ServerSignature Off